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Monday, January 7, 2013

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If you do not pick up those guys, not ... instability imperial power? Such bad cop thing, Fisher Prince's shrewd nature will not do, then let a living less than the dawn of the old emperor to do this thing ... really is the best choice just such moments, even if it is to understand this, but who has the courage to point out that there? Greene Duke and Kimberley prime minister, as a glance, hanging kick off the head .... I do not know, do not know, we do not know anything .... Austin III as tall sitting on top of the Oza His eyes, behind him, the two palace maid still gently shaking a huge fan, although a bit pale in the face of the old emperor, but people do not see that he has what expression - at least very calm, very calm, cool to the extreme .... Over the years, several veteran familiar with extreme old emperor have seen, at the moment I am afraid that the old emperor in considering what important things this way silent for a moment, Austin III, his face suddenly exposed Jisi smile, he stood in front of the distance, but did not uphold the courtiers ceremony Aaron Bishop smiled, and said: "His Eminence, this thing is really thanks to you the Holy See to contribute ... but the next thing is the Royal internal thing .... So, you can not please first evaded? there encountered Antonio Archbishop when you send my most sincere blessings. "the clear meaning of these words inside: you God stick we use enough, at the moment has no use value it ... This is the next thing is our royal thing,shoe shox, you do not blind blending, or quickly get out now! Aaron Bishop changed his face changed, after all, his identity, in the face of Austin III is also without uphold the courtiers of the ceremony , just before he was to have received a strict order, this time regardless of the success or failure, are not from the people and the royal family conflict, so he a moment later calmed down, just hand in the chest than draw a Holy Cross character text lightly: "Well, I'm on the first step down ...... May the light of God's glory, forever shine Austin a series ..." When I hear this sentence, in Austin III, the eyes still very calm, he nodded slightly, but said: "I would like to thank His Eminence blessed, just before you left, or the people of the holy church with me not ... After all, opposite the Cathedral is magic the pilots' union, the cathedral is too empty, after all, is not good! The holy church, has returned to the the Father embrace of those people, I'll send someone to send the corpse back .... "The phrase" too over emptiness ", so was Aaron Bishop's face is a black, because the meaning of the words of the old emperor, then suggesting this sacred forces of the Holy See on being the Imperial City, the royal family who can greatly not trust the old emperor, then put it so close to the bone, where Aaron Bishop also stay? his fierce toss large teaching gowns, nodded a greeting be played in front of other people point had to retreat down

Monday, December 24, 2012

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With proceed on foot broadsword rushed to the front of the enemy, but also no one can knees in front of this massacre! 9 minutes, just 9 minutes, over 700 officers and men of the Tibetan army, together with the two on behalf of the Pa inside were administrative officials, down in a pool of blood on the faces of everyone, with hatred, with contempt ugly conspiracy, with the desire for life and devout Buddha
Littered with corpses, blood-stained sand, and the air is full of the taste of blood. Many Sikhs started vomiting, they were created the massacre of their weapons in the hands of petrified just standing in front of the crowded Tibetan army team now becomes a pile of corpse without breath of life
his white gloves, already stained with the blood of the Tibetan forces after finishing immediately set out objectives, Gyangze! 1,000 Tibetan troops escaped last less than 250 people, these survivors quickly news to Gyantse, and brought to Lhasa spread throughout Tibet.
Meanwhile, British troops under the command of the Younghusband nonstop north, the McMahon forces starting from East Asia, crossed Longtu Mountain and after Parry were to Kangma, Gyangze forward.
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Nagarze, the Brahmaputra south bank of the city, the new army headquarters.
Kampot troop strength is too weak, it is estimated that the British will soon open up the lines of communication. the Xigaze 1500 Tibetan army rushed to Gyantse, occupation Zongshan Castle, in other parts of the Tibetan army have to attack British troops are currently only dispersed into three shares, the main in Gyangze positive, an Nanni Temple, as well as an in Jiang Luo Linka. fronts is currently a lot of confusion, the British army the number in absolute disadvantage in the case did not get reinforcements only defensive. McMahon Busters has to Dakang Ma, a Gurkha Brigade 120 miles south of Nanni Temple, soon joined to combat Nanni Temple Generally speaking,air jordans retro 5, the situation is exactly the same analysis with the supervision of the previous meeting. General Staff Director Kun as a current overview of the battlefield, first introduced the officers good Shop the dragon next sword Ming, speech bottom, after all, the Dragon Sword Ming the decision is not who can understand and accept in British the face of the Holocaust, Sichuan new army from top to bottom has forgotten the Kashag government of discrimination and neglect, has long Biezulejin children To Kill revenge!
waiting McMahon tail swept Parry were

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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?Tsang Chinese dry, also came to the scene, they saw the young man can not help but taken aback, the original of this protection is hidden in the dark the lazy dragon surname only know the mysterious master, has repeatedly saved their lives in dangerous situations.
Now that he came forward, it means that things are never simple, says not necessarily senior central government want Paul Li Mengyao few girls, although do not know their background, but it will not mess with the master that is certain.
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

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This battle is indeed playing some useless originally thought that the full calculation, just waiting for the water can be sailing east under military was ready, the two lines of the army to follow up with to solve Jiujiang should be no big problem, but did not think this guy into dayou There are actually so bold, even Ganqiang before one's own launch all-out offensive to a terrible counter-attack, although not the army caused the damage in real surname, but arranged in Huanggang navy has suffered a disaster, sixty ships in this war were burned to ashes, only less than ten warships to escape, less than two thousand people, nearly navy in this war, only the Huanggang water's Army has been

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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Other shipping companies squeezed firmly in the maritime industry accounted for the largest share, manipulate ocean freight. Minister of works Hu had tried to implement measures against it, but unfortunately there were no antitrust Law Hu sniper failed.
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However, the planning of the construction of China's first trunk, due to fear of the railway will affect the Yangtze River's shipping business, the Chinese Chamber of combined transport instigated Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and several other major economic province Members propose the establishment of Beijing to Jiangning Pukou The north-south route, and stick to not repair the Jiangning line to Shanghai this reason, of course, is a solution of the north-south traffic congestion along the Yangtze River transport is not a pressing need.
Well, this time summoned lawmakers to the party, and what will be the plan for it?
Meters Hu first thought was the establishment of the Indian route but this is up to the terms of reference of the Industry Investment Division, for the time being there is no need for legislation and has always been overseas transportation industry are display their talents, and has always been China's combined transport the Chamber of Commerce of the world, do not need to own their own legislative constraints.
Meters Hu felt increasingly become a marionette of these merchants.
At this time, the books do Liu Xiu came to meters Hu Yi Gong body, Does not allow him to think too much rice Hu from the chair and stood up, Little while, Qizhi Shi that official camp full of sound has been sounded in the main room before, but today he is surprisingly simply: Meters Hu thought that gas you: The difference is that the meters Hu too careful, but no other except when members make a living, so their asset accumulation is far from complete. now so he quit Senator, he did not know how to live the rest of my life.
Not to mention meters Hu dinner thing to worry about someone can be happy tonight go again!
Wenjun found Yansheng Gong Although the visiting pedantic simply can not co-operation, but he brought two young men thinking insightful, and dare say, a large