Tuesday, September 4, 2012

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The Church and the royal family for hundreds of years, some of their things how much is circulating.
Era of royal splendor, Guardian Knight used to be the defenders of the monarchy, and there they set the precepts of the behind the Church of St. George, in fact, that is the prison; Today's Guardian Knight honorary title, but the real core of the thirteen knights or mystery, also used to dry out and not for the general public aware of things.
Fortunately Tommy shivering narrative things through: Finally, we have also seen that day holy flame burning himself to destroy the devil, not a comrade-in-arms and the protection of the priests, not the prayers of Father Brown, the situation would be unthinkable. Maybe we will be destroyed, praise the Lord, his kindness bless a sacred royal family. Ridiculous but everyone saw the shadow of the angel in the burning, but on Christmas Eve so many priests and knights on heaven, how to say is not a good thing; Moreover, as long as the lives we must accept the investigation, Scotland Yard police officers rush to the guests have mostly left the church around.
Guardian Knight Adonis Fortunately Tommy surveyed with the police officers to go back, although the sound so heroic, after all, a lot of people died Moreover, too much not to think.
Despite such a big thing, or eat Christmas dinner, but the Yule Ball impossible to hold everyone to tacit, eating roast turkey, drinking wine quiet goodbye, as may also be able to catch up in the Another party in London.
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Yes, there is.
the war, but also you robbed us; Lausanne has been very kind. tenth day of the New Year in Hong Kong, I have a party to attend, and it was invited, be sure to visit do not call to Mr. Edwards, you should

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